Friday, June 4, 2010

Dwayne Wade gets his kids temporarily

Dwyane Wade now has temporary custody of his two sons, the second significant legal development of the week for the Miami Heat star.

Wade was awarded “physical possession” of the boys Wednesday by a judge in Chicago. The ruling came one day after the 2006 NBA finals MVP settled four civil suits in Miami that were brought by, and against, former business partners and were unrelated to his ongoing divorce and custody battle.

The Chicago court found that an emergency order was merited because Wade’s time for visitation with his children “has been frustrated on an ongoing basis as a result of continual interference” by his estranged wife Siohvaughn. The court cited three instances, one in March and two in May, where Dwyane Wade’s visitation schedules were altered, the last happening when his wife allegedly would not open the gate to her home so the boys could be picked up.

“The Court is troubled by the continuing pattern of (Siohvaughn Wade) to obey court orders when they go her way and disobey court orders when they do not,” wrote Associate Judge Fe Fernandez in the order.

Dwyane Wade is not only seeking a divorce, but full custody of the boys. Before leaving Miami on Tuesday, the NBA star said he was looking forward to spending as much time as possible with the boys, saying settling four civil cases at once in South Florida allowed his sons “to get their daddy back” for the summer. 

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