Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wesley Snipes Sentenced to Prison

It looks like actor, Wesley Snipes will be doing time behind bars after all. Snipes' three-year sentence for tax invasion was upheld by a federal appeals court, according to Defense for the actor claimed that the sentence was a bit "unreasonable," and Snipes believed that a penalty of probation would have been much more suitable.

Snipes was accused of not paying more than $15 million in taxes. The actor argued his innocence and testified that he was advised by shady tax advisers. He was acquitted of tax fraud felony charges. Hoping for a better outcome, the actor paid $5 million to the courts as a good gesture, but that served only as a down payment for what he owes.

Source Essence

1 comment:

  1. Damn! These are some cold MFs that send a man to prison when he pays $5 million in good faith. Why not let him stay out on probation and placed on a payment schedule. This way he could make more action movies and pay more of these lousy ass back taxes that politicians appear to treat as their own private slush fund.
