Thursday, July 8, 2010

Beyonce Escapes Car Crash in London

Beyonce was out and about with hubby Jay Z in London where she barely escaped a serious car accident. The door of her Mercedes was ripped off by a taxi while she made a stop at Harrods a top store in London.  Bystanders looked in shock when the taxi collided with the diva's car door, ripping it off the hinges and just missed a deadly collision with Beyonce. 

Beyonce was quite shaken after the accident. The couple were on their way to a romantic lunch at the Japanese eatery Zuma before the taxi collided with the car. Afterwards, Beyonce and Jay Z had to ditch the damaged car and dine while a replacement vehicle was sent to the restaurant. 

1 comment:

  1. i am sooooo srry for what happen to her!i hope she is ok,i am her biggest fan! i love her songs!beyonce is the coolest
